. Whitespace ArcheAge is a medieval fantasy massively multi-player online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Korean studio,.

It is available for North American, European, Australian, Russian, and Korean players. The english version of the game (NA/EU/Australia) is available on and/or. RULES. Do not violate the reddiquette. Adhere to standards and behaviors online that you would follow in real life. Don’t be rude, harass, threaten and/or insult others. Don’t post someone’s personal information, especially if it can be used to harm others.

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Posting irrelevant threads and/or comments that aren’t relevant to the thread, is considered spam. Excessive self-promotion will be removed.

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No item advertisements outside the weekly sticky thread. Threads must have unambiguous titles. Submissions titled with all capital letters, or sensationalized headlines will be removed. You should be able to understand the general topic of a post without opening the original post. In the case of questions, have the title include the question. Flair your posts appropriately.

If a submission is NSFW, then mark it NSFW, please. If a comment is NSFW, then mark it NSFW, please.

No account support threads. Do not make threads, looking to specifically contact a Trion staff member. Do not make threads just to point out to your support ticket #. Do not ask for support with your Glyph account, and/or ArcheAge account. Please instead use for that. Do not distribute exploits, hacks, or RWT. Directly linking to and distributing said exploits, hacks, or cheats is not permitted.

Proxy links are not allowed. Real money trades are not allowed in game nor on the sub-Reddit. Discussion about hacks and exploits are allowed. The detailed version of these rules is available by clicking, otherwise, hover over the rules to get a simplified version of them. Content Limitations Please note that users new to the sub-Reddit might experience posting limitations until they become more active and longer members of the community.


If you experience any issues with this, please don't hesitate to Disclaimer The moderating team reserve the right to act on a case by case basis fit in good faith for the community, they are NOT Gamigo representatives nor XL Games representatives, and DO volunteer their free time. FLAIR FILTERING. I searched the sub and didn't really find much useful on playing on a Mac (I also searched Google, but it's mostly people asking if there will be a Mac client or complaining that there is no Mac client). I apologize if some of these tips are actually out there and easy to find. I have a PC laptop that I'm currently playing the ArcheAge beta on, but when the game releases, I'd love to be able to play on the big 27 inch iMac I have for work.

I've previously used Crossover to play SWTOR, but other than that I don't have much experience playing PC games on Macs. I know of some of the options - Crossover, Bootcamp with Windows, etc.

But, does anyone with more experience on the subject have a recommendation for which method performs best before I make a (medium-sized) financial investment in one method over the others (like if I have to buy Windows)? Also, as a sidenote - when running a game in Windows on a Mac, is there a noticeable performance drop-off compared to running Windows on a comparable PC? I am playing the game on an 27' iMac (2011) on Bootcamp (Win7) and I am having absolutely no problem.

I am playing on low settings, though. Furthermore, I am using my MacBookPro (the late 2013 15' one) to run it on the road (same, with Bootcamp and Win7) and it is far better, due to the SSD and the 16GB of RAM. I can play in maximum settings and run the game with no problem at all. Bootcamp was a breeze to install. You do have to buy Windows, but luckily Apple has solved many of the problems of the initial Bootcamp and it is now running Windows very smoothly. On this setup, I have been playing Rift, SWTOR and FFXIV on really good settings without any hassle.

I work and play on a Mac Pro. Cant compare with an iMAC because they run laptop grade equipement and graphic card but in any case, Bootcamp is your ONLY option. Emulating a game through vine, cider, vmware whatever just dont do it. Specially a game like archeage. The game is beautifuly optimized so I think an iMac should be fine.

That said, the only problem when running it in bootcamp its your hardware. For all effects, when you run a bootcamp partition you are in a windows enviroment with all its good (and bad) things. Having the same hardware a mac and a pc should performe equally under bootcamp.

ArcheAge BEGINS is a sensational roleplaying game by the GAMEEVIL. The creators of the game like Kritika the White knights and War of the crown are back with their sensational product based on vintage battling style. This game will show us the batteling scenario of 2000 years ago. They named that age as archeage. The story revolves around legendary heroes. Which set their journey towards a library expedition.

Trion Archeage Store

Co-coordinate this hero to explore the secret places and to reveal the secrets of the earth. Before moving directly to our topic let see some prominent flashes of this game. The story of this game is based on the ArcheAge saga written by the Korea’s famous writer Min-Hee Jeon. The story is so much interesting that you will completely lost to it.

Meet the legendary Auroria’s warriors in the beginning of ArcheAge. There are dozens of epic heroes classified in the different category to build your team. Furthur heroes can be unlocked depends on your performances. Master a mob of 4 heroes with one hand by appropriating the habitual card-flipping system. Cooperate with other players in real time in 4-player collaborative boss raids. Strategize in PvP styles to earn awards and grandeur. Collect elements through trawling and promoting cattle, then craft specialty goods to sell or trade. For playing ArcheAge BEGINS for PC, follow the following steps. 1) You can download the following emulators / / to run the Android apps on PC.

Trion Archeage Download For Mac Free

2) Wait for the installation, it will take a while. 3) Once the installation completed. 4) Login with your existing Google account. If you don’t have an already existing account then create a new one. 5) Now the Android screen will appear on Bluestacks, open the Play Store from the menu. 6) Type ArcheAge BEGINS, Hit enter 7) Click on the install button, wait for the installation, it is the matter of few minutes. 8) That’s all, enjoy ArcheAge BEGINS for PC.