
. Filename: black ops 2 dubstep.exe. Total Downloads: 27647. Today Downloads: 127.


Yesterday Downloads: 416. Last Week Downloads: 1317. Popularity: Related Downloads:. (Total Downloads: 18268). (Total Downloads: 24467). (Total Downloads: 23663). (Total Downloads: 10598) Lelia from Middleburg (Snyder) (2 days ago).

BRO YOU ARE THE BEST! Jinny from Rector (4 days ago). At least one good Gregorio, Hampton, TN (6 days ago). many thanks! Kylee from Old Fort (8 days ago). THIS IS GREAT I WAS LOOKING FOR THIS Rosana, Ardmore, NE (10 days ago). HIGLY RECOMENDED!

I disagree, i can pick some pretty fucked up dubstep songs that will make you wonder what they were thinking when they made it - and thats assuming you even tolerate or like it at all. Most rap and R&B nowdays is a waste of time. But there are a few writers and lyric guys who deserve what they have earned. Its just the lil scrappy/john/gangster affiliation rapping has made it harder to recognize the gold. View Topic

I will say most of the guys i listen to are from late 90's early 2K - nothing in the past 10 years that has come out in the industry is worth listening to. And +1 on the techno, i still like it, i just dont listen to it voluntarily anymore. View Topical

I actually found that clip on my ex girlfriend's facebook wall, her current boyfriend sent it to her. But I was thinking about posting a Dubstep track on RT anyway, this track seemed a decent example though. I hadn't seen anything about it here before. I dind't know it was big an America either. I think it's utter utter shit, but. It does have a strange attraction, I wouldn't buy a dubstep album or anything but if it's on at a party then I'll enjoy it for what it's worth, I like it alot more than Drum n' Bass anyway. View Topics

Can't stand that shit at all, The Prodigy are the exception to that rule, and a bit of Pendulum. I love music to have grooves, and actually, Dubstep does have some nice grooves, they are repettitive and annoying providing I'm not baked but they're there.