. This section describes how to manage the nodes and services that make up a cluster. This section provide information about how to organize and manage data using volumes, a unique feature of MapR clusters.

Administration of the MapR-DB is done primarily via the command line (maprcli) or with the MapR Control System (MCS). Regardless of whether the MapR-DB table is used for binary files or JSON documents, the same types of commands are used with slightly different parameter options.

MapR-DB administration is associated with tables, columns and column families, and table regions. A MapR gateway mediates one-way communication between a source MapR cluster and a destination cluster. You can replicate MapR-DB tables (binary and JSON) and MapR-ES streams. MapR gateways also apply updates from JSON tables to their secondary indexes and propagate Change Data Capture (CDC) logs. The MapR Data Access Gateway is a service that acts as a proxy and gateway for translating requests between lightweight client applications and the MapR cluster. This section describes considerations when upgrading the service, how to modify configuration settings, and how to administer and manage the service.

This section describes how to monitor the health and performance of a MapR cluster. Describes how to configure MapR security and manage secure clusters. Provides procedures that will enable you to use MapR clusters securely. This section contains in-depth reference information for the administrator.

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Note: To add a server to an NFS pool that is not divided into subnets, start the MapR NFS service on that server. The MapR cluster automatically detects it and adds it to the pool. The following illustration shows three nodes (Host1, Host2, and Host3) acting as NFS servers. Each node has two NICs whose ports are labeled eth0 and eth1. The NICs are grouped into two subnets, called Subnet A and Subnet B. Clients can access any of the NFS servers through a pool (or range) of VIPs assigned to each subnet. MapR assigns each VIP address in the pool at random to a MAC address in the subnet (with its corresponding physical IP address).

The initial VIP assignment shown above is summarized in the following table. If one NFS server becomes unavailable, the VIP assigned to that server is automatically assigned to another server on the same subnet. Warning: If you add a VIP that is not accessible on the subnet, then failover will not work.

You can only set up VIPs for failover between network interfaces that are in the same subnet. In large clusters with multiple subnets, you can set up multiple groups of VIPs to provide NFS failover for the different subnets. VIPs are evenly distributed across NFS nodes. For example, if six VIP addresses are available for three NFS servers, two VIPs are assigned to each server. If the previous example did not have two separate subnets, the six VIP addresses might be assigned like this.

Overview Although SMB is the prefered protocol for connecting Macs to shares, in multi-operating system environments, there are times when you need to connect to an NFS share instead. This tutorial covers guiding you through it on network that does not have central user identity infrastructure, like NIS or LDAP. Prepare the NFS Share on the Server We need to create an account for you on the NFS server and then map your OS X user and group ids to it’s. Without this, and unless you have NIS or some other central user database, you will not be able to access the share.

Log onto the NFS server. Create your user account. We’re going set the User and Group IDs to 5000. Useradd -u 5000 macusers. Set a password for our NFS user account. Make sure it’s complex.


Passwd macuser. Open the exports file into a text editor, like VI or Nano. Nano /etc/exports. Add the following line, replacing the highlighted values to match your environment. /srv/exports/dept,allsquash,insecure,anonuid=6000,anongid=6000). Save your changes and exit the text editor.

Make sure your export has the appropriate permissions. In our example, we need to make macuser the owner and group for it. Chown -R macuser:macuser /srv/exports/dept Enable NFS on OS X Before we can connect to our NFS server we need to enable the NFS service on OS X.

Oddly enough, the service doesn’t automatically start when you attempt to make a connection. Open a Terminal window. Start the NFS service. Sudo nfs start. When prompted, enter your password. Close the Terminal window.

Launch Connect to Server. From the Finder menu, click Go. Click Connect to Server from Go’s drop down menu. Alternatively, you can also press Command+K to launch Connect to Server.

Nfs Gateway And Nfap For Mac Os

Connect an NFS Share. In the Server Address field, enter nfs:// to define the network protocol for CIFS, and then enter either the IP address or the hostname of the file server with the export path. To add the server to your Favorite Servers list, click the ‘+’ button. Click Connect to connect to the share. Categories Tags.