
Uses Python Applescript To Inject Cheat Codes In Boxer For Mac 2017

Python-applescript 0.1 by Olivier Hervieu. The goal of this project is to provide a very small library that is able to launch applescript scripts. This work is based on the perl module MAC::Applescript written by Dan Sugalski, many thanks to him.

The module implements one method called 'launchscript'. This method takes one parameters: the script as a string. It returns the output of the executed script as a string. If the script contains errors, it raises an applescript.AppleScriptError exception. See examples directory to see how it works.

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This software is licensed by the MIT License (see LICENSE), except for, that is a part of setuptools, licenced under ZPL (Zope Public Licence). Please report all bugs and ask your questions at.