1. Best Ssd Optimizer
  2. Best Ssd For Mac

TRIM ENABLER TRIM is a feature that allows solid state drives to automatically handle garbage collection, cleaning up unused blocks of data and preparing them for rewriting, thereby preventing slowdowns that would otherwise occur over time as garbage data accumulates. Support for TRIM has been included in OS X (10.6.7), but Apple decided that native TRIM support is limited to stock Apple drives (users who have installed third-party SSDs into their machines have reported that TRIM is not enabled). Chameleon enables support TRIM changing the driver IOHACIBlockStorage by removing the lock on third-party drives, also a back up copy is included to restore the original, you can find it at: '/System/Library/Extensions/IOAHCIFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOAHCIBlockStorage.kext/ Contents/MacOS/IOHACIBlockStorage.backup'. More Disk Info With the MORE DISK INFO button you can check System Profiler Sata additional info over your drives and controller. Repair Permissions This button allows you to repair disk permissions on current drive. Read smart data of your system drives as model, serial number, firmware version, support smart and status, temperature and threshold temperature. Smart data are collected by objective-c and cocoa.

Hibernate '0' (desktop default) The system will not back memory up to persistent storage. The system must wake from the contents of memory; the system will lose context on power loss.

This is, historically, plain old sleep. Hibernate '3' (laptop default) The system will store a copy of memory to persistent storage (the disk), and will power memory during sleep. The system will wake from memory, unless a power loss forces it to restore from disk image.

Hibernate '25' The system will store a copy of memory to persistent storage (the disk), and will remove power to memory. The system will restore from disk image. If you want hibernation slower sleeps, slower wakes, and better battery life, you should use this setting. Disable Sleep Image Drive space can be limited, especially if you are using a solid state drive of modest size. If you have ever put your Mac into 'hibernate mode', you might find that space equivalent to the amount of memory in your Mac is suddenly missing from your boot drive (e.g. If your Mac has 8GB memory, an 8GB sleepimage exists) The missing space can be mysterious, because the file won't be shown by the Finder, so it's just space that's apparently gone missing. Disabling the sleep image you can earn the space previously occupied, restoring hibernate values to 3 or 25 also the sleep image is restored.

Best Ssd Optimizer

Sudden Motion Sensor The Sudden Motion Sensor is designed to detect unusually strong vibrations, sudden changes in position, and accelerated movement. If the sensor detects any of these, it instantly parks the hard drive heads to help reduce the risk of damage to the hard drive in case of impact. Apple has adjusted the Sudden Motion Sensor feature carefully to provide the best balance between protecting the hard drive and preventing unwanted activation of the Sudden Motion Sensor. Most Apple portable owners never need to turn this feature off. Apple suggests that you not modify the settings unless absolutely necessary.

With only SSD drive on your system you don't need SMS.

If you have (a very good move!) then you have already experienced how the flash storage enhances the overall user experience. However, to get the most out of your SSD and extend its lifespan, it’s wise to avoid the mistakes that most users make when installing a new flash storage disk. Read on for practical advice on optimizing your Mac for your brand new SSD. Start Fresh When you get your hands on the upgraded Mac, you’ll immediately feel the difference in terms of speed – everything from the time it takes to boot up to how long an app takes to load. The most common mistake users make here is to use Time Machine (or their preferred third-party backup system) to restore all the data that was previously stored on the HDD. That’s not the best way to get the most out of your SSD. The problem with this approach is that while you will, you’ll also inherit the old system’s space-hogging legacy elements.

Apps you never really used, huge mailboxes, that massive downloads folder you never cleared out will all get carried over this way, not to mention the cache files and junk data that had built up during the years of using the system. Although it takes more time, the best way to maintain peak performance of your Mac and its new SSD is to carefully consider which apps you want to install. The same approach applies for files and folders, too. If you have iCloud enabled, this will be a seamless transition because all your will appear on your refreshed Mac after signing in with your Apple ID. If not, then review them manually and copy only those that you really need. The rest can sit on an external drive. Move Large Files to HDD The same goes for large files or folders, particularly videos and the that occupy huge chunks of space but aren’t needed immediately.


Photographers and video professionals can obviously skip this part, but the rest of us general users tend to store massive amounts of photos and videos that quickly fill up the limited space of the SSD. Unless you need to access these libraries on a daily basis, simply drop them on an external drive and keep that device to hand.

Turn Off Local Snapshots Although this is a, it is worth disabling unless you depend on local backups you. Local snapshots occupy too much precious storage space and may even, but the real catch is that macOS doesn’t show how much space local snapshots are using and therefore makes it hard to figure out how much free space you have on the machine. Also, keep in mind the limited number of write (P/E aka program/erase), which is usually around 10,000. Since local snapshots fill up the startup disk, macOS starts to delete them, which increases the number of writes that occur and therefore shortens the SSD’s lifespan. This is why it is wise to simply disable local snapshots. To do so, simply turn off Time Machine’s automatic backups. Keep in mind, though, that you will need to manually select “Backup now” each time you connect the Time Machine disk to your Mac.

Don’t Run Benchmarks It may be tempting to quantify the speed improvements that an SSD brings but running various benchmarks just increases the number of writes and erases on the flash storage, which will obviously eat into its limited write cycle count. So, if you don’t need to run a benchmark, just skip it. You’ll feel the difference immediately after starting the machine. Author info for frameshots for mac. Turn Off Hibernation You’ll likely read on some blogs that turning off hibernation mode on laptops will optimize the SSD performance, but this is only party true: Apple designed to prevent data loss and it has three recommended settings.

Best Ssd For Mac

By default, the hibernate mode is set to “3” on MacBooks. There is one thing you should keep in mind with this, however: hibernate mode only activates in certain scenarios and its frequency depends on your usage. It’s not recommended to disable hibernation, but if you feel that it’s necessary, then do understanding the risk to any unsaved work.