With today's release of Outlook 2016 for Mac, Skype for Business Online users on a Mac who are configured as delegates can schedule Skype for Business meetings on behalf of their delegators. When using the latest release of Outlook, a delegate can create or edit a meeting in the delegator's calendar and make it a Skype for Business meeting.

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The online meeting will be set up using the delegator’s policies and join information. Note that this is for Skype for Business Online users only. Support for delegate scheduling by Skype for Business 2015 server users will be available in a future server update. Until that time, on-prem users can schedule Skype for Business meetings in the delegator's calendar, but the meeting will be set up using the policies and join information of the delegate, not the delegator. To get started,. You also need Skype for Business on Mac version 16.13 (from December, 2017) or later.

Ep Scheduling For Mac

If you have an older version of either app, click Check for Updates on the Help menu of the respective app. Atk driver for asus laptop. Make sure both apps are running when you schedule your meeting, and you are all set!

Great feature. One request though: Please enable the optional choice to create a meeting using delegate OR delegator policies / join information / available licensing.

Scenario: My account has ' Audio Conferencing' license, which allows to create meetings with ability to join by calling via phone number. I have a delegated access to a our company VP in who's calendar I need to create a meeting. A VP hasn't got 'Audio Conferencing' licence on his account, so he can't create Skype meeting himself with ability to have an option to call in via phone number. So I would like to be able to create a meeting in his calendar, with an option for attendees to call in via a phone number, because I've got an 'Audio Conferencing' license.

Ep Scheduling For Mac

(hope this makes sense:) ) Thanks.