Note: Apologies for cross-posting and sending in English. The Wikimedia movement is beginning a movement-wide strategy discussion, a process which will run throughout 2017. For 15 years, Wikimedians have worked together to build the largest free knowledge resource in human history. During this time, we've grown from a small group of editors to a diverse network of editors, developers, affiliates, readers, donors, and partners. Today, we are more than a group of websites.

  1. Skrive Ut Overskrifter Eller Titler P Hver Sides

We are a movement rooted in values and a powerful vision: all knowledge for all people. As a movement, we have an opportunity to decide where we go from here. This movement strategy discussion will focus on the future of our movement: where we want to go together, and what we want to achieve. We hope to design an inclusive process that makes space for everyone: editors, community leaders, affiliates, developers, readers, donors, technology platforms, institutional partners, and people we have yet to reach. There will be multiple ways to participate including on-wiki, in private spaces, and in-person meetings. You are warmly invited to join and make your voice heard. The immediate goal is to have a strategic direction by Wikimania 2017 to help frame a discussion on how we work together toward that strategic direction.

Regular updates are being sent to the, and posted. Beginning with this message, monthly reviews of these updates will be sent to this page as well. To receive future announcements and monthly highlights of strategy updates on your user talk page. Note: Apologies for cross-posting and sending in English. As we mentioned last month, the Wikimedia movement is beginning a movement-wide strategy discussion, a process which will run throughout 2017.

This movement strategy discussion will focus on the future of our movement: where we want to go together, and what we want to achieve. Regular updates are being sent to the, and posted. Each month, we are sending overviews of these updates to this page as well. To receive future announcements and monthly highlights of strategy updates on your user talk page.

Here is a overview of the updates that have been sent since our message last month:. (16 February 2017). Development of documentation for Tracks A & B. (24 February 2017).

Introduction of Track Leads for all four audience tracks. (2 March 2017). Seeking feedback on documents being used to help facilitate upcoming community discussions More information about the movement strategy is available on the.

Posted by on behalf of the, 9. 20:43 (CET).

We invite you to join the movement strategy conversation (now through April 15). This message, ', was sent through multiple channels by on 15 and 16 of March 2017 to village pumps, affiliate talk pages, movement mailing lists, and MassMessage groups. A similar message was sent by to organized groups and their mailing lists on 15 of March 2017. This version of the message is available for translation and documentation purposes Dear Wikimedians/Wikipedians: Today we are starting a broad discussion to define Wikimedia's future role in the world and develop a collaborative strategy to fulfill that role. You are warmly invited to join the conversation.

There are many ways to participate, by joining an existing conversation or starting your own:: Discussions with your affiliate, committee or other organized group (these are groups that support the Wikimedia movement). Track B (individual contributors): or your.


This is the first of three conversations, and it will run between now and April 15. The purpose of cycle 1 is to discuss the future of the movement and generate major themes around potential directions. What do we want to build or achieve together over the next 15 years? We welcome you, as we create this conversation together, and look forward to broad and diverse participation from all parts of our movement. Sincerely, Nicole Ebber (Track A Lead), Jaime Anstee (Track B Lead), & the 18. 06:10 (CET).

On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, I am pleased to announce that self-nominations are being accepted for the. The (Board) is the decision-making body that is ultimately responsible for the long-term sustainability of the Wikimedia Foundation, so we value wide input into its selection. More information about this role can be found. Please read the. The will last from April 7 (00:00 UTC) to April 20 (23:59 UTC). We will also be accepting questions to ask the candidates from April 7 to April 20. Once the questions submission period has ended on April 20, the Elections Committee will then collate the questions for the candidates to respond to beginning on April 21.

The goal of this process is to fill the three community-selected seats on the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. The election results will be used by the Board itself to select its new members. The full schedule for the Board elections is as follows. All dates are inclusive, that is, from the beginning of the first day (UTC) to the end of the last. April 7 (00:00 UTC) – April 20 (23:59 UTC) – Board nominations.


April 7 – April 20 – Board candidates questions submission period. April 21 – April 30 – Board candidates answer questions. May 1 – May 14 – Board voting period. May 15–19 – Board vote checking. May 20 – Board result announcement goal In addition to the Board elections, we will also soon be holding elections for the following roles:. Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC). There are five positions being filled.

More information about this election will be available. Funds Dissemination Committee Ombudsperson (Ombuds). One position is being filled. More information about this election will be available.

Please note that this year the Board of Trustees elections will be held before the FDC and Ombuds elections. Candidates who are not elected to the Board are explicitly permitted and encouraged to submit themselves as candidates to the FDC or Ombuds positions after the results of the Board elections are announced. More information on this year's elections can be found. Any questions related to the election can be posted on the, or sent to the election committee's mailing list, board-elections On behalf of the Election Committee, Chair, Community Advocate, Wikimedia Foundation Posted by on behalf of the, 7. 05:37 (CEST).

Read-only mode for 20 to 30 minutes on 19 April and 3 May. This is a message from the. Are available. For in the 2017 elections for the.

The is the ultimate governing authority of the Wikimedia Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. The Wikimedia Foundation manages many diverse projects such as Wikipedia and Commons. The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 1 to 23:59 UTC May 14. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Elections Committee, Chair, Community Advocate, Wikimedia Foundation Posted by the. 3. 21:14 (CEST) Beta Feature Two Column Edit Conflict View. From May 9, the will be available as a on all wikis. The Two Column Edit Conflict View is a new interface for the edit conflict resolution page. It highlights differences between the editor's and the conflicting changes to make it easy to copy and paste pieces of the text and resolve the conflict.

The feature fulfils a request for a more user-friendly edit conflict resolution from the. Everyone is invited to test the feature and we hope that it will serve you well! 16:41 (CEST) RevisionSlider. Will be available as a default feature for all users on all wikis from May 17. The RevisionSlider adds a slider view to the diff page so that you can easily move between revisions. The slider view is collapsed by default, and will load by clicking on it.

It can also be turned off entirely in the user preferences. RevisionSlider has been a default feature on German, Arabic and Hebrew Wikipedia for 6 months and a beta feature on all wikis for 8 months. The feature fulfills a wish from the. Thanks to everyone who tested RevisionSlider and gave valuable feedback to improve the feature! We hope that RevisionSlider will continue to serve you well in your work.

16:44 (CEST). The Wikimedia movement strategy core team and working groups have completed reviewing the more than 1800 thematic statements we received from the first discussion. They have identified - each with their own set of sub-themes. These are not the final themes, just an initial working draft of the core concepts.

You are invited to on these 5 themes. This round of discussions will take place between now and June 12th. You can discuss as many as you like; we ask you to participate in the ones that are most (or least) important to you. Here are the five themes, each has a page on Meta-Wiki with more information about the theme and how to participate in that theme's discussion:. On the, you can find more information about each of these themes, their discussions, and how to participate. Posted by on behalf of the. 16.

23:09 (CEST). On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, we are pleased to announce that self-nominations are being accepted for the and elections.

Please read the letter from the Wikimedia Foundation calling for candidates at. Funds Dissemination Committee The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes recommendations about how to allocate Wikimedia movement funds to eligible entities.

There are five positions being filled. More information about this role can be found at. Funds Dissemination Committee Ombudsperson The Funds Dissemination Committee Ombudsperson receives complaints and feedback about the FDC process, investigates complaints at the request of the Board of Trustees, and summarizes the investigations and feedback for the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. One position is being filled.

More information about this role can be found at. The will last until May 28 (23:59 UTC). We will also be accepting questions to ask the candidates until May 28. Once the questions submission period has ended on May 28, the Elections Committee will then collate the questions for the candidates to respond to. The goal of this process is to fill the five community-selected seats on the Wikimedia Foundation Funds Dissemination Committee and the community-selected ombudsperson. The election results will be used by the Board itself to make the appointments. The full schedule for the FDC elections is as follows.

All dates are inclusive, that is, from the beginning of the first day (UTC) to the end of the last. May 15 (00:00 UTC) – May 28 (23:59 UTC) – Nominations. May 15 – May 28 – Candidates questions submission period. May 29 – June 2 – Candidates answer questions. June 3 – June 11 – Voting period. June 12–14 – Vote checking.

June 15 – Goal date for announcing election results More information on this year's elections can be found at. Please feel free to post a note about the election on your project's village pump. Any questions related to the election can be posted on, or sent to the election committee's mailing list, board-elections On behalf of the Election Committee, Chair, Community Advocate, Wikimedia Foundation Posted by the. 23. 23:06 (CEST) Enable sitelinks on Wikidata for Wiktionary pages.

Hello, Sorry for writing in English. Feel free to translate the content of this message below. After several years discussing about it, and one year of development and discussion with the communities, the development team of Wikimedia Germany has now released the first version of. Since the start of Wikidata in 2012, the multilingual knowledge base was mainly focused on concepts: Q-items are related to a thing or an idea, not to the word describing it. Starting now, Wikidata stores a new type of data: words, phrases and sentences, in many languages, described in many languages. This information will be stored in new types of entities, called Lexemes, Forms and Senses. The goal of lexicographical data on Wikidata is to provide a structured and machine-readable way to describe words and phrases in multiple languages, stored in a same place, reusable under CC-0.

Skrive Ut Overskrifter Eller Titler P Hver Sides

In the near future, this data will be available for Wiktionaries and other projects to reuse, as much as you want to. For now, we’re at the first steps of this project: the new data structure has been released on Wikidata, and we’re looking for people to try it, and give us feedback on what is working or not. Participating to this project is the opportunity for you to have a voice in it, to make sure that your needs and requests are taken in account very early in the process, and to start populating Wikidata with words in your language! Here’s how you can try lexicographical data on Wikidata:. First of all, if you’re not familiar with the data model, I encourage you to have a look at. If you’re not familiar with Wikidata at all, I suggest as a start point.

You can also (search features will be improved in the future). When you feel ready to create a word, go on. If some properties that you need are missing, you can (if you’re not sure how to do it, just let a message on the talk page and someone will help you). The main discussion page is. Here, you can ask for help, suggest ways to organize the data, but also leave feedback: if you encounter any bug or issue, let us know. We’re looking especially to know what are the most important features for you to be worked on next.

In any case, feel free to contact me if you have a question or problem, I’ll be very happy to help. 14:20 (CEST) Update on page issues on mobile web. Agere lan drivers for mac.

Example of improvements Hello, In a few weeks the Readers web team will be changing how some templates look on the mobile web site. We will make these templates more noticeable when viewing the article. We ask for your help in updating any templates that don't look correct. What kind of templates? Specifically templates that notify readers and contributors about issues with the content of an article – the text and information in the article. Examples like. Right now these notifications are hidden behind a link under the title of an article.

We will format templates like these (mostly those that use Template:Ambox or message box templates in general) to show a short summary under the page title. You can tap on the 'Learn more' link to get more information. For template editors we have and also further. If you have questions about formatting templates for mobile, or and we will help you. 20:35 (CET) Community Wishlist Survey vote.

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