WujiBrainwave - Script for this video about the WujiBrainwave app for Windows, Mac OSX, and iPad iOS. And the patented MindMedia feature that let's you 'see what you think' as you watch a video. Welcome to WujiTech's MindMedia. Our patented video format that contains embedded software logic designed to help you see how your brain is reacting to any image or sound as you watch or listen in real-time. Learning how you respond at the 'brainwave level' can teach you a lot about yourself, which you can see from the various horizontal Algorithm meters at the right of the screen, the Helical 3D spiral meters at the bottom of the screen. And from the text interpretations that are shown to you as soon as you are finished watching any MindMedia.

Wujibrainwave And Mindtracker Personal Brainwave Feedback Video

With your brainwave feedback headset turned on and properly connected, the green ball will appear at the upper left of your screen. Your headset transmits your brainwave signal to the WujiTech MindMedia and stores it so that you can view your Brainwave Sessions that you choose to Save. Clicking on 'View My Brainwave Session' will take you to your Personal WujiTech Dashboard so you can view your session graphs. Clicking on the various Algorithm or Brainwave Frequency names will show you the graphs for them. Experiment with different ways of watching your MindMedia. Try relaxing and breathing slow.


Wujibrainwave And Mindtracker Personal Brainwave Feedback Work


Then try focusing intensely. Sense your moods and visualize feeling 'Joy'. And 'Inner Calm'.with time you will be able to move those Algorithm Meters and make the connection between your conscious mind and your actual brainwave output.

Wujibrainwave And Mindtracker Personal Brainwave Feedback Form

A collection of MindMedia are included with the Premium Membership you have now. And more are added every month or so. There are also special MindMedia videos that are created by different users that you can purchase. You may also enjoy watching the 'MindMedia Introduction' which you will see when you click on 'Select a MindMedia' from the Main Menu. Enjoy this empowering brainwave feedback MindMedia tool from WujiTech that will help you reach the hidden potential of your brain.

The WujiBrainwave app and headset can be used with a PC, a Mac or the iPad. Purchases can be made thru the Brainwave.WujiTech.com website or via iTunes for a lot less than you may expect for your own brainwave feedback system.why not order one today?

Wujibrainwave And Mindtracker Personal Brainwave Feedback

This WujiBrainwave Demo is a quick overview of our WujiTech brainwave feedback WujiBrainwave app in action. You'll see users from 7 years old to 55 wearing our personal, medical-grade EEG headset from NeuroSky and watching their brainwave output in real time through our patented MindMedia and learning games. Check out our brainwave empowering tones, music, algorithms, and realistic 3D animated dolphins that you can move with your mind and boost your neural plasticity! Visit www.Brainwave.WujiTech.com for more info and to purchase your own app and headset for Mac, Windows, and iPad.