XMPP Chat SDK for iOS This fork of the XMPPFramework is maintained by for the. The XMPP Chat SDK is a fully featured white label XMPP messenger for iOS. XMPPFramework An XMPP Framework in Objective-C for the Mac and iOS development community. Abstract XMPPFramework provides a core implementation of RFC-3920 (the XMPP standard), along with the tools needed to read & write XML. It comes with multiple popular extensions (XEP's), all built atop a modular architecture, allowing you to plug-in any code needed for the job.

Use Xmpp.framework For Mac

Additionally the framework is massively parallel and thread-safe. Structured using GCD, this framework performs well regardless of whether it's being run on an old iPhone, or on a 12-core Mac Pro. (And it won't block the main thread.

Use xmpp.framework for mac pro

At all) Install The minimum deployment target is iOS 8.0 / macOS 10.8. The easiest way to install XMPPFramework is using CocoaPods. Remember to add to the top of your Podfile the useframeworks! Line (even if you are not using swift):.


This will install the whole framework with all the avaiable extensions. # The version pushed to CocoaPods is very out of date, use master branch for now pod 'XMPPFramework ',:git = ',:branch = 'master ' # pod 'XMPPFramework'. If you want to pick what extensions to install: pod 'XMPPFramework/XEP-0009' pod 'XMPPFramework/XEP-0224' After pod install open the.xcworkspace and import: import XMPPFramework // swift @import XMPPFramework; //objective-c Wiki: For more info please take a look at the wiki. Can't find the answer to your question in any of the articles?

Use Xmpp.framework For Mac Os X


Use Xmpp.framework For Mac Os

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