1. Gtk+ 2.6
  2. Gtk 2.0

On Qui, 2007-06-21 at 23:39 -0300, Johan Dahlin wrote: Joseph Sacco wrote: The currently available version of pygtk is the stable branch. I would expect the development branchof pygtk to adapt. I'm ready to adapt but only if the general consent is that API changes are okay. My personal opinion is that the API shouldn't be allowed to change, once an API is added it should stay stable until the major version is bumped (3.0 in the case of gtk+). I'm 100% with Johan on this one.

Gtk+ 2.11.x broke API and ABI. The real test for this is if some one who has developed a GTK+ based on GNOME 2.0 and now copy over the binary to GNOME 2.20, will it run?

If not, it is breaking ABI. Breaking ABI at GTK+ is not good. You can fix the API by recompiling, but you can fix ABI if the user doesn't have the code to recompile or too complex to recompile which is likely to happen in the real world.

Axel Simon schrieb: Hi IanI can build this version on Mac OS X 10.5 and compile Gtk2Hs against it. All concurrency demos work and the more complicated demos work that trigger several levels of callbacks (to C and back to Haskell). I could not install gtk2hs-0.11.0 under x86 Solaris. Linking /tmp/glib-0.11.025732/glib-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup. Configuring glib-0.11.0.

Preprocessing library glib-0.11.0. Gtk2hsC2hs: Errors during expansion of binding hooks:./System/Glib/GObject.chs:107: (column 22) ERROR Unknown identifier! Cannot find a definition for `gobjectgettype' in the header file. Cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: 2.

Under a x86 Mac with a GTK-2.14 framework I got: Linking /tmp/gtk-0.11.025922/gtk-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup. Configuring gtk-0.11.0. Setup:./Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/IconTheme.chs: invalid argument cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: gtk-0.11.0 failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 1 The packages cairo-0.11.0 gio-0.11.0 glib-0.11.0 pango-0.11.0 built fine. The GTK-2.14 framework is: and originally came from 3. Under linux we still have a problem with the new gtk2hs-0.11.0 version. CheersAxel On May 23, 2010, at 20:42, Ian Lynagh wrote: Hi allWe are pleased to announce the first release candidate for GHC 6.12.3: building and installing ghc-, compiling and running our large hets binary (without gtk2hs) worked.

Thanks Christian As well as the source tarball: ghc- there are installers for Windows (i386) and OS X (i386), and binary distributions for x8664/Linux and i386/Linux. Please test as much as possible; bugs are much cheaper if we find them before the release! Thanks Ian, on behalf of the GHC team Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list Glasgow-haskell-users@. Andy Stewart schrieb: Hi ChristianChristian Maeder writes: Axel Simon schrieb: Hi IanI can build this version on Mac OS X 10.5 and compile Gtk2Hs against it. All concurrency demos work and the more complicated demos work that trigger several levels of callbacks (to C and back to Haskell).

I could not install gtk2hs-0.11.0 under x86 Solaris. Linking /tmp/glib-0.11.025732/glib-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup. Configuring glib-0.11.0.

Preprocessing library glib-0.11.0. gtk2hsC2hs: Errors during expansion of binding hooks:./System/Glib/GObject.chs:107: (column 22) ERROR Unknown identifier! Cannot find a definition for `gobjectgettype' in the header file. cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: Looks, it's a problem that glib can't found header file. gtk2hs find header files base on pkg-config return. Can you run 'pkg-config -cflags gobject-2.0'? Yes: -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -cflags gobject-2.0 -I/usr/local/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/local/lib/glib-2.0/include 2.

Under a x86 Mac with a GTK-2.14 framework I got: Linking /tmp/gtk-0.11.025922/gtk-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup. Configuring gtk-0.11.0. setup:./Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/IconTheme.chs: invalid argument cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: gtk-0.11.0 failed during the building phase.

The exception was: ExitFailure 1 This is bug of Gtk2HsSetup.hs, has fix in darcs version. Cheers- Andy Thanks, (I'll wait for a hackage update) Christian. Hello Axel, Thursday, May 27, 2010, 8:42:08 PM, you wrote: - you use -threaded to compile your program - you only use postGUISync and postGUIAsync from threads different to the Gtk2Hs thread Is this true? If yes, I'll give you an elaboration on how threads are supposed to work in Gtk+ (I think I finally understood this!) and what I've changed in 0.11.0.

I'm among (probably many) developers who interested to hear it. I believe that gtk2hs uses thread where it was initialized as main (this thread should be bound so it's either main thread or one created with runInBoundThread/forkOS) and the everything should either run in this thread directly, or in signal hadlers (that are executed in this thread) or via postGUISync/postGUIAsync. Moreover postGUISync can't be used inside main GUI thread due to locking as you may remember, once i proposed to add wrapper that is equal to id in main GUI thread but equal to postGUISync in other threads. Or even better, wrap all gtk2hs operations in this wrapper - Best regards, Bulat mailto:Bulat.Ziganshin@. On, at 19:50, Bulat Ziganshin wrote: Hello AxelThursday, May 27, 2010, 8:42:08 PM, you wrote: - you use -threaded to compile your program - you only use postGUISync and postGUIAsync from threads different to the Gtk2Hs thread Is this true?

If yes, I'll give you an elaboration on how threads are supposed to work in Gtk+ (I think I finally understood this!) and what I've changed in 0.11.0. i'm among (probably many) developers who interested to hear it. I believe that gtk2hs uses thread where it was initialized as main (this thread should be bound so it's either main thread or one created with runInBoundThread/forkOS) and the everything should either run in this thread directly, or in signal hadlers (that are executed in this thread) or via postGUISync/postGUIAsync.

Moreover postGUISync can't be used inside main GUI thread due to locking as you may remember, once i proposed to add wrapper that is equal to id in main GUI thread but equal to postGUISync in other threads. Or even better, wrap all gtk2hs operations in this wrapper Yes, I should perhaps dig that up and implement it. I actually suspect that Christian ran either into this problem or that he doesn't compile with -threaded.

Hopefully it's one of those two options and not another concurrency bug in Gtk2Hs. So the story with the threads is as follows: You can use just a single thread. This is done when you compile without -threaded. You need to do the 'addIdle 50 yield' trick. You can use the -threaded option to ghc or you use ghci. Now there exists one lock for the whole of Gtk+.

This lock must be acquired before gtkinit is called. (This is what I fixed before the release: without it, it worked on Unix but not on Windows.) The lock remains acquired by the OS thread that calls Gtk+.

In particular, it remains acquire as long as signals are pending and dispatched. The only time this look is released is when Gtk+ enters its main loop. It may then block on input or run an idle handler.

During this time, it is possible for a different OS thread (or any odd Haskell thread that may or may not run in a different OS thread) to acquire the lock, modify some widget state and release the lock. However, most widget methods call also to the OS and accessing the Win32 API from more than one OS thread is not possible due to Win32 using some thread-local state. Thus, using this method for concurrent updates is not recommended. Enter postGUIAsync. This method will add an idle handler to the Gtk+ main loop (this is done by glib in a thread safe way) which executes an action from the idle handler. This idle handler will be called from the main loop and thus be in the Gtk+ OS thread.

The action can therefore safely access all widget methods. Since the action is performed in the Gtk+ OS thread, no expensive computation should be done, merely the widgets should be updated.

I hope this helps to clarify the thread situation in Gtk+. Cheers, Axel. Axel Simon schrieb:. 2. Under a x86 Mac with a GTK-2.14 framework I got: Linking /tmp/gtk-0.11.025922/gtk-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup.

Configuring gtk-0.11.0. setup:./Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/IconTheme.chs: invalid argument cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: gtk-0.11.0 failed during the building phase. The exception was: This bug occurs if you're running in anything else but UTF-8 locale. As Andy said, this is fixed in darcs. Bulat Ziganshin writes: Hello ChristianFriday, May 28, 2010, 6:43:39 PM, you wrote: startMainLoop = forkIO $ do unsafeInitGUIForThreadedRTS mainGUI afaik, it's incorrect (look at my yesterday letter), you need to use forkOS Really? I think forkIO is enough, because you have enable '-threaded'. Look my forkGuiIO define: - forkGuiIO start (a - IO ) - IO (MVar a, ThreadId, ThreadId) forkGuiIO calcAction guiAction = do - Create signal MVar variable.

Signal = putMVar signal - fill signal when calculation finish - Bulid new thread for listen signal. GuiThreadId (a - IO ) - IO forkGuiIO calcAction guiAction = forkGuiIO calcAction guiAction return - Post GUI Action to Gtk+ thread when catch signal. OnGuiSignal:: MVar a - (a - IO ) - IO ThreadId onGuiSignal signal guiAction = forkIO $ takeMVar signal = postGUIAsync. GuiAction - forkGuiIO end. Hi Christian, Christian Maeder writes: Axel Simon schrieb: Hi IanI can build this version on Mac OS X 10.5 and compile Gtk2Hs against it.

All concurrency demos work and the more complicated demos work that trigger several levels of callbacks (to C and back to Haskell). I could not install gtk2hs-0.11.0 under x86 Solaris. Linking /tmp/glib-0.11.025732/glib-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup. Configuring glib-0.11.0. Preprocessing library glib-0.11.0. gtk2hsC2hs: Errors during expansion of binding hooks:./System/Glib/GObject.chs:107: (column 22) ERROR Unknown identifier! Cannot find a definition for `gobjectgettype' in the header file.

cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: Looks, it's a problem that glib can't found header file. Gtk2hs find header files base on pkg-config return.

Can you run 'pkg-config -cflags gobject-2.0'? Under a x86 Mac with a GTK-2.14 framework I got: Linking /tmp/gtk-0.11.025922/gtk-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup. Configuring gtk-0.11.0. setup:./Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/IconTheme.chs: invalid argument cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: gtk-0.11.0 failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 1 This is bug of Gtk2HsSetup.hs, has fix in darcs version.


Cheers, - Andy The packages cairo-0.11.0 gio-0.11.0 glib-0.11.0 pango-0.11.0 built fine. The GTK-2.14 framework is: and originally came from 3. Under linux we still have a problem with the new gtk2hs-0.11.0 version. CheersAxel On May 23, 2010, at 20:42, Ian Lynagh wrote: Hi allWe are pleased to announce the first release candidate for GHC 6.12.3: building and installing ghc-, compiling and running our large hets binary (without gtk2hs) worked. Thanks Christian As well as the source tarball: ghc- there are installers for Windows (i386) and OS X (i386), and binary distributions for x8664/Linux and i386/Linux. Please test as much as possible; bugs are much cheaper if we find them before the release!

Thanks Ian, on behalf of the GHC team Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list Glasgow-haskell-users@. Christian Maeder writes: Andy Stewart schrieb: Hi ChristianChristian Maeder writes: Axel Simon schrieb: Hi IanI can build this version on Mac OS X 10.5 and compile Gtk2Hs against it. All concurrency demos work and the more complicated demos work that trigger several levels of callbacks (to C and back to Haskell). I could not install gtk2hs-0.11.0 under x86 Solaris. Linking /tmp/glib-0.11.025732/glib-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup. Configuring glib-0.11.0. Preprocessing library glib-0.11.0.

gtk2hsC2hs: Errors during expansion of binding hooks:./System/Glib/GObject.chs:107: (column 22) ERROR Unknown identifier! Cannot find a definition for `gobjectgettype' in the header file. cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: Looks, it's a problem that glib can't found header file. gtk2hs find header files base on pkg-config return. Can you run 'pkg-config -cflags gobject-2.0'?

Yes: -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -cflags gobject-2.0 -I/usr/local/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/local/lib/glib-2.0/include Can you found `gobjectgettype` define in above header files? In my box, gobjectgettype define in file /usr/include/glib-2.0/gobject/gobject.h Cheers, - Andy 2. Under a x86 Mac with a GTK-2.14 framework I got: Linking /tmp/gtk-0.11.025922/gtk-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup. Configuring gtk-0.11.0.

setup:./Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/IconTheme.chs: invalid argument cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: gtk-0.11.0 failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 1 This is bug of Gtk2HsSetup.hs, has fix in darcs version. Cheers- Andy Thanks, (I'll wait for a hackage update) Christian. Attachments: Andy Stewart schrieb: Christian Maeder writes:. Configuring glib-0.11.0. Preprocessing library glib-0.11.0.

gtk2hsC2hs: Errors during expansion of binding hooks:./System/Glib/GObject.chs:107: (column 22) ERROR Unknown identifier! Cannot find a definition for `gobjectgettype' in the header file. Can you run 'pkg-config -cflags gobject-2.0'? Yes: -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -cflags gobject-2.0 -I/usr/local/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/local/lib/glib-2.0/include Can you found `gobjectgettype` define in above header files? In my box, gobjectgettype define in file /usr/include/glib-2.0/gobject/gobject.h In my file /usr/local/include/glib-2.0/gobject/gobject.h (gzipped and attached) gobjectgettype is missing.

Christian Cheers- Andy. On, at 16:28, Christian Maeder wrote: Axel Simon schrieb: Hi IanI can build this version on Mac OS X 10.5 and compile Gtk2Hs against it. All concurrency demos work and the more complicated demos work that trigger several levels of callbacks (to C and back to Haskell). I could not install gtk2hs-0.11.0 under x86 Solaris. Linking /tmp/glib-0.11.025732/glib-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup. Configuring glib-0.11.0. Preprocessing library glib-0.11.0.

gtk2hsC2hs: Errors during expansion of binding hooks:./System/Glib/GObject.chs:107: (column 22) ERROR Unknown identifier! Cannot find a definition for `gobjectgettype' in the header file. Yup, we didn't test on Solaris. However, this is a Gtk+ version problem.

The above mentioned function does not exist in Gtk+ 2.14 because it would be equivalent to GTYPEOBJECT. I've fixed this in the darcs repository. cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: 2. Under a x86 Mac with a GTK-2.14 framework I got: Linking /tmp/gtk-0.11.025922/gtk-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup.

Configuring gtk-0.11.0. setup:./Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/IconTheme.chs: invalid argument cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: gtk-0.11.0 failed during the building phase. The exception was: This bug occurs if you're running in anything else but UTF-8 locale. As Andy said, this is fixed in darcs. The packages cairo-0.11.0 gio-0.11.0 glib-0.11.0 pango-0.11.0 built fine. The GTK-2.14 framework is: and originally came from For the next point, it would really help us, if you could check out the darcs repo and build again.

That would then also entail ironing out the problems with Gtk+ 2.14. Under linux we still have a problem with the new gtk2hs-0.11.0 version. This would be very interesting to resolve.


I assume: - you use -threaded to compile your program - you only use postGUISync and postGUIAsync from threads different to the Gtk2Hs thread Is this true? If yes, I'll give you an elaboration on how threads are supposed to work in Gtk+ (I think I finally understood this!) and what I've changed in 0.11.0.

Cheers, Axel CheersAxel On May 23, 2010, at 20:42, Ian Lynagh wrote: Hi allWe are pleased to announce the first release candidate for GHC 6.12.3: building and installing ghc-, compiling and running our large hets binary (without gtk2hs) worked. Thanks Christian As well as the source tarball: ghc- there are installers for Windows (i386) and OS X (i386), and binary distributions for x8664/Linux and i386/Linux. Please test as much as possible; bugs are much cheaper if we find them before the release! Thanks Ian, on behalf of the GHC team Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list Glasgow-haskell-users@.

Axel Simon schrieb: On, at 16:28, Christian Maeder wrote: Axel Simon schrieb: Hi IanI can build this version on Mac OS X 10.5 and compile Gtk2Hs against it. All concurrency demos work and the more complicated demos work that trigger several levels of callbacks (to C and back to Haskell). I could not install gtk2hs-0.11.0 under x86 Solaris.

Gtk+ 2.6

Linking /tmp/glib-0.11.025732/glib-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup. Configuring glib-0.11.0. Preprocessing library glib-0.11.0. gtk2hsC2hs: Errors during expansion of binding hooks:./System/Glib/GObject.chs:107: (column 22) ERROR Unknown identifier!

Cannot find a definition for `gobjectgettype' in the header file. Yup, we didn't test on Solaris. 'cabal install cairo' also fails: Linking /tmp/cairo-0.11.05437/cairo-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup. Configuring cairo-0.11.0. Preprocessing library cairo-0.11.0. Building cairo-0.11.0. Graphics/Rendering/Cairo.hs:8:0: error: cairo-version.h: No such file or directory cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: However, this is a Gtk+ version problem.

The above mentioned function does not exist in Gtk+ 2.14 because it would be equivalent to GTYPEOBJECT. I've fixed this in the darcs repository. cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: 2. Under a x86 Mac with a GTK-2.14 framework I got: Linking /tmp/gtk-0.11.025922/gtk-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup.

Configuring gtk-0.11.0. setup:./Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/IconTheme.chs: invalid argument cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: gtk-0.11.0 failed during the building phase. The exception was: This bug occurs if you're running in anything else but UTF-8 locale. As Andy said, this is fixed in darcs. Hi Christian, On, at 20:03, Christian Maeder wrote: Yup, we didn't test on Solaris. 'cabal install cairo' also fails: Linking /tmp/cairo-0.11.05437/cairo-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup. Configuring cairo-0.11.0.

Preprocessing library cairo-0.11.0. Building cairo-0.11.0. Graphics/Rendering/Cairo.hs:8:0: error: cairo-version.h: No such file or directory cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: Darn, so we need to find out since when Cairo defines its version number.

What version of cairo do you have (pkg-config -modversion cairo)? However, this is a Gtk+ version problem. The above mentioned function does not exist in Gtk+ 2.14 because it would be equivalent to GTYPEOBJECT.

I've fixed this in the darcs repository. cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: 2. Under a x86 Mac with a GTK-2.14 framework I got: Linking /tmp/gtk-0.11.025922/gtk-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup. Configuring gtk-0.11.0. setup:./Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/IconTheme.chs: invalid argument cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: gtk-0.11.0 failed during the building phase. The exception was: This bug occurs if you're running in anything else but UTF-8 locale.

As Andy said, this is fixed in darcs. Axel Simon schrieb: Hi ChristianOn, at 20:03, Christian Maeder wrote: Yup, we didn't test on Solaris. 'cabal install cairo' also fails: Linking /tmp/cairo-0.11.05437/cairo-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup. Configuring cairo-0.11.0. Preprocessing library cairo-0.11.0.

Building cairo-0.11.0. Graphics/Rendering/Cairo.hs:8:0: error: cairo-version.h: No such file or directory cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: Darn, so we need to find out since when Cairo defines its version number. What version of cairo do you have (pkg-config -modversion cairo)? -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion cairo 1.4.14 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion pango 1.20.0 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion gtk 1.4.2 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion glib 1.2.10 Maybe this configuration is far too old? My last gtk2hs installation under x86 solaris was for ghc-6.8.3 with gtk2hs-0.9.13: gconf-0.9.13, glade-0.9.13, glib-0.9.13, gnomevfs-0.9.13, gtk-0.9.13, mozembed-0.9.13, soegtk-0.9.13, sourceview-0.9.13 without the packages cairo, pango and gio. 'ghc-pkg describe gtk' shows: hs-libraries: HSgtk extra-libraries: gtk-x11-2.0 gdk-x11-2.0 atk-1.0 gdkpixbuf-2.0 m mlib pangoxft-1.0 pangox-1.0 pango-1.0 gmodule-2.0 gthread-2.0 Christian. Christian Maeder writes: Axel Simon schrieb: Hi ChristianOn, at 20:03, Christian Maeder wrote: Yup, we didn't test on Solaris.

'cabal install cairo' also fails: Linking /tmp/cairo-0.11.05437/cairo-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup. Configuring cairo-0.11.0. Preprocessing library cairo-0.11.0. Building cairo-0.11.0. Graphics/Rendering/Cairo.hs:8:0: error: cairo-version.h: No such file or directory cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: Darn, so we need to find out since when Cairo defines its version number. What version of cairo do you have (pkg-config -modversion cairo)?

-bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion cairo 1.4.14 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion pango 1.20.0 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion gtk 1.4.2 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion glib 1.2.10 Maybe this configuration is far too old? Yes, very old. Let gtk2hs support so old version is trouble, because almost all UNIX system have has departed gtk+-1.0. Can you upgrade your system? Cheers, - Andy My last gtk2hs installation under x86 solaris was for ghc-6.8.3 with gtk2hs-0.9.13: gconf-0.9.13, glade-0.9.13, glib-0.9.13, gnomevfs-0.9.13, gtk-0.9.13mozembed-0.9.13, soegtk-0.9.13, sourceview-0.9.13 without the packages cairo, pango and gio.

'ghc-pkg describe gtk' shows: hs-libraries: HSgtk extra-libraries: gtk-x11-2.0 gdk-x11-2.0 atk-1.0 gdkpixbuf-2.0 m mlib pangoxft-1.0 pangox-1.0 pango-1.0 gmodule-2.0 gthread-2.0 Christian. On, at 11:15, Andy Stewart wrote: Christian Maeder writes: Axel Simon schrieb: Hi ChristianOn, at 20:03, Christian Maeder wrote: Yup, we didn't test on Solaris. 'cabal install cairo' also fails: Linking /tmp/cairo-0.11.05437/cairo-0.11.0/dist/setup/setup.

Configuring cairo-0.11.0. Preprocessing library cairo-0.11.0. Building cairo-0.11.0. Graphics/Rendering/Cairo.hs:8:0: error: cairo-version.h: No such file or directory cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: Darn, so we need to find out since when Cairo defines its version number.

What version of cairo do you have (pkg-config -modversion cairo)? -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion cairo 1.4.14 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion pango 1.20.0 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion gtk 1.4.2 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion glib 1.2.10 Maybe this configuration is far too old?

No, that's fine. We should support at least down to 2.8.

You need to query pkg-config -modversion gtk+-2.0 pkg-config -modversion glib-2.0 Cheers, Axel. Axel Simon schrieb: On, at 11:15, Andy Stewart wrote:. Graphics/Rendering/Cairo.hs:8:0: error: cairo-version.h: No such file or directory cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: Darn, so we need to find out since when Cairo defines its version number. What version of cairo do you have (pkg-config -modversion cairo)? -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion cairo 1.4.14 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion pango 1.20.0 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion gtk 1.4.2 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion glib 1.2.10 Maybe this configuration is far too old?

Gtk 2.0

No, that's fine. We should support at least down to 2.8. You need to query pkg-config -modversion gtk+-2.0 pkg-config -modversion glib-2.0 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion glib-2.0 2.16.2 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion gio-2.0 2.16.2 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion gtk+-2.0 2.13.0 Christian. Our x86 solaris machine has now newer versions and the installation of gtk-0.11.0 succeeded. But our hets application (compiled with ghc- now crashes directly with 'Segmentation Fault' and if called within 'gdb' it shows.

New LWP 4 LWP 4 exited New LWP 4 hets: Cannot initialize GUI. Cheers Christian I-bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion gtk+-2.0 2.16.5 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion glib-2.0 2.23.5 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion cairo 1.8.8 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion pango 1.24.5 Christian Maeder schrieb: Axel Simon schrieb: On, at 11:15, Andy Stewart wrote:. Graphics/Rendering/Cairo.hs:8:0: error: cairo-version.h: No such file or directory cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: Darn, so we need to find out since when Cairo defines its version number. What version of cairo do you have (pkg-config -modversion cairo)?

-bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion cairo 1.4.14 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion pango 1.20.0. -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion glib-2.0 2.16.2 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion gio-2.0 2.16.2 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion gtk+-2.0 2.13.0. Christian Maeder writes: Our x86 solaris machine has now newer versions and the installation of gtk-0.11.0 succeeded.

But our hets application (compiled with ghc- now crashes directly with 'Segmentation Fault' and if called within 'gdb' it shows: Don't use ghc-6.12.2, we have found ghc-6.12.2 have runtime issue that will crash gtk2hs program. Look Use ghc-6.12.1 instead. Cheers, - Andy. New LWP 4 LWP 4 exited New LWP 4 hets: Cannot initialize GUI. Cheers Christian I-bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion gtk+-2.0 2.16.5 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion glib-2.0 2.23.5 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion cairo 1.8.8 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion pango 1.24.5 Christian Maeder schrieb: Axel Simon schrieb: On, at 11:15, Andy Stewart wrote:. Graphics/Rendering/Cairo.hs:8:0: error: cairo-version.h: No such file or directory cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: Darn, so we need to find out since when Cairo defines its version number. What version of cairo do you have (pkg-config -modversion cairo)?

-bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion cairo 1.4.14 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion pango 1.20.0. -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion glib-2.0 2.16.2 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion gio-2.0 2.16.2 -bash-3.00$ pkg-config -modversion gtk+-2.0 2.13.0. Andy Stewart schrieb: Christian Maeder writes: Our x86 solaris machine has now newer versions and the installation of gtk-0.11.0 succeeded. But our hets application (compiled with ghc- now crashes directly with 'Segmentation Fault' and if called within 'gdb' it shows: Don't use ghc-6.12.2, we have found ghc-6.12.2 have runtime issue that will crash gtk2hs program. I know, that's a different issue. The same problem occurs with ghc-6.10.4 and gtk-0.11.0.

InitGUI (aka unsafeInitGUIForThreadedRTS) simply fails with 'Cannot initialize GUI.' I suppose I should try out some gtk demo programs. Do I need to darcs get them? Why I also get a 'Segmentation Fault' is a yet another issue. Cheers Christian Look Use ghc-6.12.1 instead. Cheers- Andy. New LWP 4 LWP 4 exited New LWP 4 hets: Cannot initialize GUI.

Christian Maeder writes: Andy Stewart schrieb: Christian Maeder writes: Our x86 solaris machine has now newer versions and the installation of gtk-0.11.0 succeeded. But our hets application (compiled with ghc- now crashes directly with 'Segmentation Fault' and if called within 'gdb' it shows: Don't use ghc-6.12.2, we have found ghc-6.12.2 have runtime issue that will crash gtk2hs program. I know, that's a different issue. The same problem occurs with ghc-6.10.4 and gtk-0.11.0. InitGUI (aka unsafeInitGUIForThreadedRTS) simply fails with 'Cannot initialize GUI.' Oh, looks like is new issue. I think you need a minimum program make other people can recure this bug.

I suppose I should try out some gtk demo programs. Do I need to darcs get them? Yes, because we forgot add demo in gtk2hs-0.11.0 So you need get deom from darcs. Cheers, - Andy Why I also get a 'Segmentation Fault' is a yet another issue. Cheers Christian Look Use ghc-6.12.1 instead. Cheers- Andy.

New LWP 4 LWP 4 exited New LWP 4 hets: Cannot initialize GUI.