Microsoft describes the program as a “code optimized editor” with support for Intellisense, debugging, and GIT. The developer tool also features integration with GitHub. ​This is exciting news for me: Mac is my preferred platform for most purposes, and it's easier to create iOS apps from a Mac OS X environment. I've worked in Unity exclusively on Mac. However in my past life as a games industry programmer, I worked on Windows machines in Visual Studio. It was always a very powerful and reliable IDE with the most fully-featured debugger I knew, and a large selection of productivity tools. I like Unity's MonoDevelop more than most folks - I like that it has powerful refactoring tools and very good autocomplete, and deep customization for automatically following a coding style.

And of course the debugger is a powerful tool, and on Mac the only way to attach to it is through MonoDevelop. However, in almost every other respect, Unity-MonoDevelop on Mac is. Well, it sucks.

Intellisense descriptions cutoff in visual studio code for mac 2017

Intellisense Descriptions Cutoff In Visual Studio Code For Mac Pro

It's Bush League. It can be very fast and smooth at times, but it will often become sluggish and slow to respond, or will freeze completely. I've been using it since 2011 and only yesterday did I realize that when you open the 'attach to debugger' dialog, you have to choose an option on the dialog.within three seconds., and if you don't, MonoDevelop will freeze and never recover. I've talked to many developers who dual-boot, or work with Windows emulators, just so they can use Visual Studio with Unity from the Mac. But those options have never seemed practical to me. The original creators of MonoDevelop, Xamarin Studio, have repeatedly said publicly that modern Xamarin has fixed almost all of these types of problems in the original MonoDevelop. And that all Unity had to do was pull their changes into their branch and bring Unity-MonoDevelop up-to-date, and the editor would be greatly improved.

Yet I've never seen a Unity dev even express the intention of doing this. It literally feels like Unity doesn't care about coders who work on Mac, and the fact that those coders have no really good options for code editors right now. I hope Visual Studio Code will change that situation. At this point I've given up any hope of Unity taking the maintenance of MonoDevelop for Mac seriously - but if the Unity Editor can be integrated with Code on Mac, maybe I can finally have a good option for coding on my favorite platform. I don't have time to try Code just now, I'm behind on my current tasks. But I had to start a thread about this.

(I'm behind on work in part thanks to MonoDevelop being constantly flaky, so I admit I'm venting about the situation a bit in this post.) But I hope to try this new editor, and look into hooking it up to Unity, within the next few days. Until then, I thought I'd start a thread to discuss this, as I think it's important! If you have a chance to try hooking them up, please post about it here, let's share some knowledge!

Click to expand.Why wouldn't it? Visual Studio for Windows can connect to the Unity Editor process by attaching to the debugger. The editor explicitly has a section for connecting to an 'External Script Editor' with a checkbox to allow it to attach the debugger to that tool. Seems it would be, at worst, some simple work for Unity to connect them together?

FWIW it looks like there's already a thread for this (I didn't see the External Tools board).I'm going to move this conversation there since people are already talking about hooking this up. Also this post seems to have a relevant poll: In any case, ignore this thread, sorry for missing that there was an existing discussion. This thing isnt Visual Studio, it is more on par as sublime for the kinda role it plays. It also is no good for Unity Dev, since it dosnt support Visual Studio Extensions to no debugger attaching and it dosnt seem to be aware of the Unity API and cant auto complete for it. If you really want Visuals Studio Community or Pro on OS X i would recommend you use paralleles to make a windows virtual machine and run VS in that. I have had great success doing so from OS X by keeping my project in a shared folder, and letting the debugger attach via a udp port on the lan.

There are 2 problems that I've run into with it. First, the port that the debugger needs to attach to changes every time I start the editor or my game. I've had to go into the OSX Activity Monitor each launch and pull up the 'Open Files and Ports' tab in the process info panel for Unity to get the current number. The port seems to always be the one between 56000 and 57000. There's probably a way to script this but it's working well enough for me for now. Second, pressing the stop button causes the editor to hang.

What I've been doing is opening the current project in one window of Code and the folder above it open in a different window. I leave the window with the parent folder attached to the editor for debugging and edit in the window that has the current project open. There are 2 problems that I've run into with it. First, the port that the debugger needs to attach to changes every time I start the editor or my game. I've had to go into the OSX Activity Monitor each launch and pull up the 'Open Files and Ports' tab in the process info panel for Unity to get the current number. The port seems to always be the one between 56000 and 57000. There's probably a way to script this but it's working well enough for me for now.

Second, pressing the stop button causes the editor to hang. What I've been doing is opening the current project in one window of Code and the folder above it open in a different window. I leave the window with the parent folder attached to the editor for debugging and edit in the window that has the current project open. Turns out that my problem was due to old project files lingering in the project folder.

Removing them solved the problem. But now I have two other problems: 1.

Unity (5.2.3p3) will not write a csharp.sln. VS Code appears to open the project.sln file ok, but I am not sure if it works fully since all documentation indicates that VS Code should specifically be set to open the csharp.sln, not the 'standard' non-csharp son. I get intellisense for some/most scripts, but not for editor scripts. So my custom editors (written i c#) get no peeking/definitions/autocomplete. Not sure if that is related to 1 above or some other setting.

I have looked in the workspace settings for VS Code but did not find anything to exclude the editor folder. Many thanks in advance! I am hoping someone can walk me thru this problem that i have with vscode. On windows 7. I downloaded vscode from microsoft's site and installed it in a folder that I made on my desktop.

NOT in the C:/program files(x86)/ directory. I did that so I always know where it is located. In anycase as a stand alone program vscode works just fine. I think downloaded the plugin from the asset store and added it to a project that I was working on. It seemed to install well. I think changed the location of vscode in the vscode section of unity preferences to that deskstop folder and changed the external editor to vscode.

At that point was where i ran into problems. All scripts that were in that project now do not show up in the editor when you single click on them. When I try to edit those scripts I be an error in unity's status line to check my external preferences. Even when i try to switch back to notepad (which is what i was using before because it is so lightweight) I still cannot edit any scripts in that project. I finally had to remove the.vscode folder from that project using windows explorer, because every time I tried to right click and delete it in the unity editor.

Then restart the project that folder just came back. Now even though the folder does not show up in the project panel anylonger i still cannot switch to any other external editor in that project and any script code in that project does not show up in the inspector. Luckily if I switch to any other project I can still open a script in notepad and see the script's code in the inspector. So it just seems to be affecting the project that i used to download the addon. I know this is a very general description of a problem but can somone help me. Hello, using OSX & Visual Code and Intellisense does not work (Shows 'Loading.'


For 10 seconds or longer before showing results). Neither does it show references. I have it working on another mac with same project, so it's not that project is too big or other ideas I saw at omnisharp github. I don't see any difference between the computers.

I spent 20+hours trying to make it work (removing/updating components - mono, omnisharp, dnx,.net.), and it's very frustrating, as Microsoft suggested integration with Unity.

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