Today’s little project was upgrading my internal system to GP 2015, which all went quite smoothly. Unfortunately, I don’t have a domain, so I am not able to install and configure Management Reporter for my financial reporting.

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I still use FRx. But after upgrading to GP 2015, FRx would no longer connect to my company database. Instead, I received a lovely error referencing a utility dll that I was not able to locate.

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After uninstalling FRx, removing all vestiges of it from my workstation, and rebooting, I did a fresh install and encountered the same problem, which — after some searching online for related issues– I traced to the common files folder at this path: C: Program Files (x86) Common Files Microsoft Shared Dexterity. I renamed all the dlls in this path, did a fresh installation of FRx and discovered that one dll was created afresh: GPConn.dll. The FRx one is dated 4/6/06. This is from the FRx674 build for GP10, which was the last full release of FRx. The new GPConn.dll created by the GP2015 installer has a date of 11/14/14.

FRx ran just fine and connected to my company database after recreating the original dll. So far I’ve had no problems running GP 2015 either, so I thought I would share this in case anyone else out there is still using FRx and wants to upgrade to GP 2015. Just updating this to let you know the same steps work for GP 2016 and GP 2018. FRx is still viable with the latest release of Dynamics GP.