This more strongly worded DrivePulse alert appeared on my screen a few minutes after the email alert. I then used Drive Genius’s Find Duplicates and Find Large Files utilities to find and remove nearly 1TB of duplicate and large files. The scan took hours but it ran in the background, so it didn’t interfere with other work on my Mac. Drive Genius Utilities But, Drive Genius does much more than just monitor your drives for issues before they become problems. It also includes utilities for cloning, securely erasing, repartitioning, and initializing hard or solid-state drives.

Drive Genius (5.1.0 For Mac Download

There’s also a malware scanner, as well as both physical and consistency checks for your disks. If you have a rotational (i.e.

Hard) disk, there is a defragmenting utility that can improve overall performance, boot time, application launch times, and how quickly large files open. Drive Genius also monitors your startup disk for system changes during login and notifies you if a change occurs (this is a common vector for malware). Finally, Drive Genius can almost always repair or rebuild a damaged disk after it alerts you of the issue.

I’ve used Drive Genius for over a decade, and I trust it more than any other disk utility except (perhaps) DiskWarrior. But while DiskWarrior may (or may not) be a better choice for rebuilding damaged disk directories (the jury’s still out), rebuilding damaged directories is pretty much all DiskWarrior can do.

Drive Genius also fixes directory damage. It might or might not do it better than DiskWarrior, but in my experience over the years they both do a great job, but Drive Genius also does much more. Drive Genius’s utilities (right), and its list of drives (left). Since both are priced at $99, you’re probably going to only buy one, and Drive Genius delivers more bang for your buck. The Bottom Line Drive Genius has proven its value time and again by alerting me to potential problems I’d otherwise be oblivious to, and then letting me repair the damage and get back to work as quickly as possible.


Genius 5.1 Driver

It’s one of the first apps I install on a new Mac because the thought of DrivePulse NOT monitoring my attached disks 24/7 scares me spit-less. And that’s all he wrote Resources.