Product: scratchlive Version: 1.9.2 Hardware: scratchlive-sl3 Computer: mac OS Version: 10.6.2 - I would like to remap the unused 'bubble' 'trans' and wah' buttons on my cdj400's to control the first 3 cue points of each of my decks. When I attempt to map the left cdj to the left deck cue points and right cdj to right deck cue points they conflict.

Both cdjs seem to be sending the same signal and will only control the cue points of one deck or the other. Is there a way to change the midi channel of one of the decks so that they don't conflict? Or are there any other solutions to this problem? Hey everyone, thanks for helping me tackle this. Chad- could you explain more in depth how the cdj400's would operate differently if they were connected with the RCA cables? And perhaps I am mistaken in that I am using Native mode.

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I am under the impression Native mode means that my cdj's are connected to my computer and serato via usb only and are communicating through HID, midi. Is this correct?

Also when you say to connect the RCA cables do you mean in conjunction with the usb or by themselves? And if by themselves does this mean I would use the timecode cds? Thanks for your help. VJ justin- I'm not entirely sure what you mean but here's what I can tell you: everything is working properly (jog wheel, preassigned buttons, etc) with my cdj400's and serato via the usb connections.

However, my problem is that I used to only have one cdj400 and I would hook it up to serato via usb. I would then open the midi assign parameter in serato and midi map the 3 unused effects buttons on the cdj (bubble, trans, wah) to control cue points 1, 2, 3 on the virtual deck I had the cdj assigned to. Yesterday I finally got a second cdj400.

I was expecting to be able to hook them both up via usb and map the unused effects buttons to control the cue points of their respective decks. However, this is where I ran into trouble. The midi notes of the effects buttons (35, 36, & 37 on channel 1) are the same on both cdj400's. Therefore, regardless of if I hit the effect button on the left cdj or the right, serato only sees 3 possible notes and it doesn't know which deck they are coming from. Having worked a bit with midi before in other programs, the simple solution was to change the midi channel of one controllers to something other than channel 1. Then the identical midi notes from each controller would not conflict. Can this be done with the cdj400s in serato?

Are there other solutions? Thanks again Chad and VJ Justin. When using Native mode, the virtual decks will be in INT mode. When using the control tone discs, you will be in ABS or REL mode. When using REL mode, the signal (control tone / audio) is sent through the RCA cables. You can have a USB cord connecting the 400 to the computer.

If you do, you can midi assign various on screen features to the knobs / buttons on your controller. Sorry if I confused you there, you will still need the USB attached but since you aren't in INT mode, you wouldn't be using it in the native mode. I solved the problem! For anyone else who might want to run the setup I'm using here's what you gotta do: To use two cdj400's in native mode + custom midi mapping of buttons (the effects buttons, etc) you will need to change the midi channel on one of your cdj400's. To do this: boot up your cdj400 regularly in cd mode. Hold down the 'text mode/utility mode' button until you enter utility mode.

Turn the menu navigation knob to the right until 'midi channel' appears on the screen. Select this by pressing in the navigation knob. In here you can select any midi channel between 1 and 16. Since your other cdj400 is set to midi channel 1 by default, select anything between 2 and 16. Exit this menu. Switch over to PC mode and connect your cdj400's to serato via usb and Native mode as usual.


If you now attempt to midi map the buttons on your cdj400s to different parameters in serato there will be no conflicting message between the two decks. 'cdj400 1' (the one you didn't alter) will send midi notes over channel 1 as standard and 'cdj400 2' will now send midi notes over channel 2-16, depending on what you chose! Hope this helps.

We should probably mention in this thread that in order to tailor map any midi on the CDJ400 you need to have serato set to REL (might work on ABS, did not try it). I have been trying to reassign buttons in INT and it has been driving me crazy. Until i discovered accidently how to do it. Now my unused FX buttons trigger the SP6.

Next is to figure out how to send SP6 audio to the laptop headphone output, or even better the CDJ audio output (or buy SL3, but if u was going to do that I would rather use a third deck, oh that's right I'm broke cause I just bought CDJs). Ok ignored previous posts. I seem to be wrong.

WTF it was working but it lost its brain and now I cannot reassign any the fx buttons on the CDJ to control any onscreen buttons in serato, through any combination of deck number, midi channel, INT REL ABS. I even unplugged my nanopad incase that was interfering and rebooted several times. The onscreen buttons say they are still assigned to ch2 note36, so i know it didn't lose the mapping, but I cannot find the cdj buttons to trigger them? Even so I should be able to reassign the CDJ buttons no matter what midi ch it is on. I am still able to remap the onscreen buttons to be triggered by my nanopad, but the CDJ does not respond. This is exactly what it was doing to me at first. Basically no response out of the CDJ FX buttons.

What am I doing wrong? Is there a difference between Native Mode and MIDI Mode, and if so how do i switch between them? I have not changed USB slots from before when it was working, but I tried all three ports just for good measure, no hubs involved. I am using XP.

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The CDJ controls serato fine by using the play, ff, platter control, etc. So i know it is still talking to the PC. I do not have any special drivers installed for my nanopad, but it was still not working for me when this was disconnected. And both MIDI devices were working fine together the other day. My RCAs from the CDJ are connected to SL1, and it works if i play the timecode disc and select REL mode. Yes my CDJ firmware is on the latest firmware.

Yes my Serato is the latest version. Did i mention this was working for me the other day??? So i know it works. This is crazy. Please help?!?!